Sherry Boatright received a calling to her spiritual path through Nahua shaman Don Lucio Campos in the central Mexican highlands in 1999 and was initiated as a quiatizques (woman bringer of rain) in this traditional path. From this she became devoted to bringing fire and spirit into community. She became a Firekeeper and participates in growing the organization of Sacred Fire. She was asked to develop the Lifeways series of programs grounded in the human life stages and is now working to evolve those into a comprehensive whole called Life Cycle Living. Sherry trained as a psychotherapist and had a private practice where she was involved for many years with facilitating women’s groups. She helped to create the Ukalái Women’s Gathering, (now LifeWork for Women: Ukalai) and has offered that program in the US, Mexico, Australia and the UK. She studies Nahua healing and has been initiated as a tepahtiani (traditional Nahua healer).

Sherry Boatright, Sacred Fire Lifeways